Web Hosting Glossary ~ Files

Now that you have your new domain and hosting package you are going to need to transfer your files to our servers. What do you need to do this and what tools do we offer to help?

File Manager:

Within our web hosting control panel we offer an online file manager that enables you to move, delete, rename and create files or folders for your web hosting package within your web browser


Hyper Text Transfer Protocol is used when you request a web page in your browser. The start of the address is http:// which defines the protocol that handles the conversation between your web browser and the web server holding the HTML file


Hyper Text Markup Language When you view a web page the information is displayed


Cascading Style Sheets give the ability to remove the look and formatting from the HTML and place it into a dedicated file. By linking this documents from various webpages it eases the effort needed to update a whole site when a colour change or element spacing is needed.


Javascript is a language that can be understood by your web browser and give interactivity to the web page.


File Transfer Protocol is a means to transfer file to your web hosting package from your local computer.
Most file managers within Windows, Mac or Linux have the capability to use FTP but it is more common to use a dedicated program for the job; We recommend FileZilla (https://filezilla-project.org/) for this.


A backup is a second set of file. Our control panel offers an easy interface to receive all of your website files compressed into a single zip package.

Site Permissions:

This page allows you to check if the permissions on your site appear to be valid. This will:

  1. Check that the permissions make any sense at all, eg. that a directory is accessible or that a script is executable
  2. Check for conditions which would make the web server refuse to run a script for security reasons
    1. Check for permissions which are likely to lead to security problems on your site
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