Administration Service

Layer 1 cPanel Server Administration Service

The most important feature of cPanel Server Management plan is 24/7 Web server monitoring and Security audit.
Server reboot with issues fixing on behalf of customers. So that your website will stay alive.
Regular update of cPanel version inorder to avoid vulnerability
This is our basic Server Administration plan and you can have unlimited issues fixed each month
Fixing any issues related to server and services like APACHE DNS FTP FIREWALL
Installing additional modules for Apache and php
Server reboot in case server is not reachable
Fixing space issue by clearing old logs and unwanted files
Clearing old logs and unwanted files or backups as per customer request
Block and unblock IP’s on customers request
Fixing permissions and ownership of files for ensure security

Layer 2 cPanel Server Administration Service

The most important feature of cPanel Server Management plan is 24/7 Web server monitoring and Security audit.
Server reboot with issues fixing on behalf of customers. So that your website will stay alive.
Regular update of cPanel version inorder to avoid vulnerability
Plugin installation for cPanel server
This is our basic Server Administration plan and you can have unlimited issues fixed each month
Fixing any issues related to server and services like APACHE DNS FTP FIREWALL
Installing additional modules for Apache and php
Server reboot in case server is not reachable
Managing cPanel accounts, Ftp accounts
Installation and configuration of Nginx plugin for cpanel
Recompilation of Apache to change varsions and add modules.
Fixing space issue by clearing old logs and unwanted files
Clearing old logs and unwanted files or backups as per customer request
Block and unblock IP’s on customers request
Tweak APACHE PHP and MySQL parameters for best performance
Adding new domains, Ftp accounts, Databases etc
Fixing permissions and ownership of files for ensure security

Layer 3 cPanel Server Administration Service

The most important feature of cPanel Server Management plan is 24/7 Web server monitoring and Security audit.
Server reboot with issues fixing on behalf of customers. So that your website will stay alive.
Regular update of cPanel version inorder to avoid vulnerability
Plugin installation for cPanel server
Security audit once every month.Which include maldect scan, Rkhunter scan etc
This is our basic Server Administration plan and you can have unlimited issues fixed each month
Fixing any issues related to server and services like APACHE DNS FTP FIREWALL
Installing additional modules for Apache and php
Coudlinux and cagefs Installation
litespeed installation and configuration
Server reboot in case server is not reachable
Managing cPanel accounts, Ftp accounts
Installation and configuration of Nginx plugin for cpanel
Recompilation of Apache to change varsions and add modules.
Fixing space issue by clearing old logs and unwanted files
Clearing old logs and unwanted files or backups as per customer request
Block and unblock IP’s on customers request
Tweak APACHE PHP and MySQL parameters for best performance
Adding new domains, Ftp accounts, Databases etc
Fixing permissions and ownership of files for ensure security

Linux Server Monitoring Service

Monitor server for High load.
Monitor server for Spamming issue
Monitor server for Disk space issue and server crash
Monitor server for DOS attack
Monitor SSH service
Monitor service like SSH
Monitor FTP and make sure that service is always up
Monitor SMTP service
Monitor DNS service
Monitor Dovecot service
Monitor Mail service like exim
Monitor Qmail for easy email processing
Monitor Postfix service
Monitor Apache server
Monitor Litespeed web server
Monitor Nginx web server
Monitor Demand dial server
Monitor remote MySQL servers
Monitor mail servers
Monitor server Firewall
Monitor no of process running on server
Monitor Zombie process
Monitor database server and server load

Hourly Server Management for Onetime tasks

Upgrade server packages to latest version or Kernel upgrade
Installation of third party software
Install SSL or CSR creation
Fixing permissions and ownership of files
Optimizing Apache and MySQL for best performance issue
Updating control panel license and upgrading to latest version with new security patches
Restore domain form old backup or create new backups in cPanel server
Tweak firewall setting or update to latest version to increase security
Recompile Apache in cPanel server to add modules or update version

SSL Installation Service

SSL Order on behalf of the customer
Generating CSR and setting up customer data
Private Key validation and configuration
Certificate validation and issuing/re-issuing certificate
Installing certificates in servers like Apache, Nginx servers and Jira, etc
Importing ssl certificates in postman
SSL installation on Bitnami wordpress aws service
Geotrust, Opensrs, Godaddy, Linode SSL installation service
Cloudflare Origin CA certificate configuration for Cloudflare enabled websites
Troubleshooting chain validation errors
Let’s Encrypt SSL management including auto-renew setup.
SSL renewing and switching
Add ssl certificate to iis
EC2 ssl certificate installation
SSL installation on ubuntu
SSl installation support on centos

Server Migration Service

Copying files between servers is a simple task. But when it comes to server migration/website migration, things are not as simple as it seems. There are a lot of things to consider like customer agreement, downtime, DNS switching, etc. But things get harder when the migration is done on cross-platform environments. Services or components get broken when switching from one platform to another due to compatibility issues. In these cases, we need to copy data, assign compatible modules, setup account/web app aspects, etc. This is where our Server migration Service is utilized. Our server administrators have experience in Windows, Linux, Cloud environments with a wide variety of control panels. They fix any kind of issues during the migration.
Our team plans the migration strategy depending on the platform and hosting environments and then proceeds with the migration only after setting up the compatibility requirements and DNS. With our Server Migration Service, your customers will only experience minimum downtime so that your customer will stay happy. Any migration-related issues will be resolved within a matter of minutes. This Server Migration plan also includes Migration to cloud solutions like AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, etc. Once server migration is completed and this server is not covered with a server support plan, you can purchase a server management service for ongoing server support.

Server Security Service

Customizing Login access points to mask the original access point
Implementing IP banning for Failed Login to avoid brute force attacks
Installation and configuration of Server Firewall
Server ports checkup for unwanted connections to vulnerable ports
Hardening Webserver to withstand incoming attacks
Installation and configuration of web application firewall ensure application safety
File permission management
Database server installation and security tweaking
User management by removing the default users created by various services
Backup configuration and restoration
Monitoring and managing Login attempts
Removing unnecessary applications
Updating components and kernel to avoid vulnerabilities
Implementing password policy
Installation and configuration of Antivirus to prevent malware infection
Securing console access to the server
Tweaking kernel parameters to prevent SYN-FLOOD attack
Group Policy Management
Securing Networks to prevent flooding
Configuring mod_evasive module to prevent DDOS attack