Chrome: Bypass “Your connection is not private” Message

Whenever you attempt to visit a website with an invalid security certificate, you may get a warning that says:

Your connection is not private. Attackers might be trying to steal your information… NET::ER_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID


There are some instances when this warning appears and there is nothing to worry about. Here’s how you can handle the issue.


Note: If this warning is occurring for many websites you visit, be sure that the time is set correctly on your device.

Option 1 – Simply Proceed

If Chrome says the security certificate is from the same domain you are attempting to login to, it is likely there is nothing to worry about when this warning appears.

  • To proceed, simply choose the “Advanced” link, then choose “Proceed to <link> (unsafe)“.

Option 2 – Prevent Warning

  1. Click a blank section of the denial page.
  2. Using your keyboard, type thisisunsafe. This will add the website to a safe list, where you should not be prompted again.

Strange steps, but it surely works!

Option 3 – Allow Invalid Certs from Localhost

This option will only work for requests to localhost over HTTP.

  1. In the Chrome address bar, type “chrome://flags/#allow-insecure-localhost
  2. Select the “Enable” link.


Note: Only perform these steps if you’re sure of what you’re doing and are sure that there is no attempt to compromise your connection.

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